We are happy to take requests to add to this page from voluntary organisations working with children and young people within the UK
Bereavement Links
1. RD4U
Part of Cruse, this website offers online bereavement support for young people.
2. Winston’s Wish
Bereavement support, including resources for schools that can be downloaded.
3. Simon Says
Child bereavement support.
4. The Child Bereavement Charity
Has sections for families, schools, children and young people.
5. Mosaic
Mosaic supports children, young people and families in Dorset, Poole and Bournemouth. In addition to individual counselling and group activities, Mosaic provides consultation and training for professionals to enable them to safely support bereaved children.
Downloadable Resources
1. SEN Teacher
Has general learning support resources, but includes some that would specifically be helpful to ELSAs.
2. MES English
Has some useful resources for emotions.
3. Do2Learn
Some general resources plus some specific to emotional awareness.
4. ELSA Support Materials
A resource website set up by Debbie Palphreyman, an ELSA in York, collating many downloadable materials for use by ELSAs. These have been developed by Debbie and are not official ELSA publications.
5. Moodjuice
This site has pupil-friendly information about a wide range of emotional difficulties arising from troublesome thoughts, feelings and actions.
6. CBT Resources
A wide range of self-help resources that may be useful to secondary school ELSAs.
7. Cognitive Behaviour Self-Help Resources
Worksheets to support conversations about the connection between thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
8. Therapistaid
Free worksheets, treatment guides, and videos. Topics include CBT, anger management, self-esteem, relaxation.
9. Psychology Tools
Free worksheets, resources and self-help guides. Topics include CBT, Anger, Depression and anxiety.
10. Hormones and Mental Health
A link to information on hormones and mental health.
Resources and information to support children after a traumatic event.
12. Resilience
Free resources to support the development of resilience in children and young people
13. Self Esteem (teenagers and adolescents)
A link to character strengths survey.
A link to character strengths survey.
1. Incentive Plus
A large range of useful books, games and other resources.
2. Puppets by Post
An excellent range of engaging puppets.
Specialist, independent publisher of books and resources for professionals working with/supporting children and young people with their mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Books, toys and further resources.
ELSAs may apply for complimentary puppets for support with their programmes.
Suppliers of resources to help children, teens and adults to explore and express emotions and grow in resilience.
1. Authentic Happiness
Focuses on self-esteem.
SEAL Materials
1. SEAL Materials
This website provides easy access to all the national SEAL materials (including small group sessions). It includes an option to become a member of the SEAL community, with members receiving a regular newsletter and access to lots of resources additional to the original national ones.
Articles & Blogs
1. Dr Sarah’s Stories
This Facebook site offers a range of psychological stories to support communication and understanding of tricky topics for children big and small.
2. Dr Gillian Shotton on Zones of Regulation
This is a short You Tube presentation
Mental Health Links
1. Charlie Waller Trust, mental health charity
This site provides mental health training, resources and consultancy with a focus on children and young people.
Emotion Coaching Interest Groups
1. Emotion Coaching – Interest Group Meetings