Request for ELSAs to participate in research

Dear ELSAs,

I am a Trainee Educational Psychologist studying at UCL and I would like to ask if you would be interested in taking part in my thesis research exploring the effectiveness of the ELSA intervention. The aim of this project is to consider how effective the ELSA intervention is at reducing social, emotional and behavioural difficulties in primary school children. I also hope to consider if the relationship between ELSAs and children impacts how effective the intervention is. If you would like to take part it would involve you running your normal ELSA intervention (as you usually would) as well as doing two questionnaires and measuring a target behavioural outcome (set by you) with the child before, during and after the intervention. To consider the interactions between you and the child without intruding on the sessions, I will set up a video call with you via computer before each session, allowing me to record the sessions. During the project any information you provide us with will stay confidential and anonymous and if for any reason you would like to withdraw from the research at any time during or after the project it is your right to do so without reason. The findings from this research will be summarised and sent to all participating ELSAs/schools and will provide a valuable insight into how effective the ELSA intervention is, what evaluation measures best detect these changes and what aspects of the interaction between the ELSA and child impact the effectiveness of successful outcomes.

This study has gained ethical approval. If you wish to participate or to get more detailed information about the study please contact me at – I look forward to hearing from you.